Kai Sandro tėvas nusprendžia tapti vienuoliu, uždaro būdo paauglys pasijunta, tarsi žemė slystų iš po kojų. Mama dirba užsienyje, o močiutė per sena, kad juo pasirūpintų, tad vaikinas vienas žengia brandos keliu ir atsiveria tiek merginai Lašai, priklausančiai ultradešiniųjų judėjimui, tiek savo bundančiam seksualumui. Filme „Panoptikumas“ režisierius ieško ribos tarp buvimo stebėtoju ir stebimuoju, kartu atspindėdamas šiuolaikinio Sakartvelo visuomenę, kurioje krikščioniškos tradicijos ir nacionalizmas konfliktuoja su siekiu kurti modernią ir nepriklausomą valstybę.
When Sandro's father decides to become a monk, the withdrawn teenager feels as if the ground is slipping away under his feet. With his mother working abroad and his grandmother too old to take care of him, the boy walks the path of maturity alone and opens up to both the girl Lasha, who belongs to the ultra-right movement, and to his own budding sexuality. In Panopticum, the director searches for the boundary between being an observer and being observed, while reflecting contemporary society in Sakartvelo, where Christian traditions and nationalism are in conflict with the desire to build a modern and independent state.
Režisierė / Director: George Sikharulidze
Scenarijaus autorius / Screenplay: George Sikharulidze
Operatorius / Cinematography: Oleg Mutu
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Chiara Costanza
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Vladimer Katcharava
Vaidina / Cast: Malkhaz Abuladze, Data Chachua, Levan Gabrava, Salome Gelenidze, Maia Gelovani
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Karlovi Varų kino festivalis – „Crystal Globe“ konkursinė programa
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival - Crystal Globe Competition Programme
SCA'24: Panoptikonas
SCA'24: Panopticon
Drama, Kertant Europą
Filmo trukmė
1val. 35min.
Drama, Kertant Europą
Filmo trukmė
1val. 35min.
Kai Sandro tėvas nusprendžia tapti vienuoliu, uždaro būdo paauglys pasijunta, tarsi žemė slystų iš po kojų. Mama dirba užsienyje, o močiutė per sena, kad juo pasirūpintų, tad vaikinas vienas žengia brandos keliu ir atsiveria tiek merginai Lašai, priklausančiai ultradešiniųjų judėjimui, tiek savo bundančiam seksualumui. Filme „Panoptikumas“ režisierius ieško ribos tarp buvimo stebėtoju ir stebimuoju, kartu atspindėdamas šiuolaikinio Sakartvelo visuomenę, kurioje krikščioniškos tradicijos ir nacionalizmas konfliktuoja su siekiu kurti modernią ir nepriklausomą valstybę.
When Sandro's father decides to become a monk, the withdrawn teenager feels as if the ground is slipping away under his feet. With his mother working abroad and his grandmother too old to take care of him, the boy walks the path of maturity alone and opens up to both the girl Lasha, who belongs to the ultra-right movement, and to his own budding sexuality. In Panopticum, the director searches for the boundary between being an observer and being observed, while reflecting contemporary society in Sakartvelo, where Christian traditions and nationalism are in conflict with the desire to build a modern and independent state.
Režisierė / Director: George Sikharulidze
Scenarijaus autorius / Screenplay: George Sikharulidze
Operatorius / Cinematography: Oleg Mutu
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Chiara Costanza
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Vladimer Katcharava
Vaidina / Cast: Malkhaz Abuladze, Data Chachua, Levan Gabrava, Salome Gelenidze, Maia Gelovani
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Karlovi Varų kino festivalis – „Crystal Globe“ konkursinė programa
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival - Crystal Globe Competition Programme
When Sandro's father decides to become a monk, the withdrawn teenager feels as if the ground is slipping away under his feet. With his mother working abroad and his grandmother too old to take care of him, the boy walks the path of maturity alone and opens up to both the girl Lasha, who belongs to the ultra-right movement, and to his own budding sexuality. In Panopticum, the director searches for the boundary between being an observer and being observed, while reflecting contemporary society in Sakartvelo, where Christian traditions and nationalism are in conflict with the desire to build a modern and independent state.
Režisierė / Director: George Sikharulidze
Scenarijaus autorius / Screenplay: George Sikharulidze
Operatorius / Cinematography: Oleg Mutu
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Chiara Costanza
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Vladimer Katcharava
Vaidina / Cast: Malkhaz Abuladze, Data Chachua, Levan Gabrava, Salome Gelenidze, Maia Gelovani
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Karlovi Varų kino festivalis – „Crystal Globe“ konkursinė programa
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival - Crystal Globe Competition Programme