Rebeka – misionieriaus Lorenso duktė, paskelbta šventąja po to, kai vaikystėje vienintelė išgyveno lėktuvo sudužimą Amazonės džiunglėse. Kiek paaugusi ji tampa vietos įžymybe – tėvui padedant Rebeka gydo vietinius ir atlieka stebuklus. Tačiau jai tampant vis labiau savarankiškai, mergina ima abejoti savo vaidmeniu ir tėvo žodžiais. Tuo pat metu nelegalūs medkirčiai įsiveržia į autochtonų žemes, ir tarp grupių kyla rasinis konfliktas.
Rebecca is the daughter of missionary Lawrence, who was declared a saint after being the only survivor of a plane crash in the Amazon jungle as a child. As a teenager, she becomes a local celebrity - with her father's help, Rebecca heals locals and performs miracles. But as she becomes more independent, she begins to question her role and her father's words. At the same time, illegal loggers invade indigenous lands and racial conflict erupts between the groups.
Režisierė / Director: Pia Marais
Scenarijaus autorė / Screenplay: Willem Droste
Operatorius / Cinematography: Mathieu De Montgran
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Lim Giong
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Sophie Erbs
Vaidina / Cast: Helena Zengel, Jeremy Xido, Sabine Timoteo, Hamã Luciano
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Lokarno kino festivalis
Tarptautinis Toronto kino festivalis
Locarno International Film Festival
Toronto International Film Festival
SCA'24: Transamazonija
SCA'24: Transamazonia
Drama, Mistinis , Kertant Europą
Filmo trukmė
1val. 52min.
Drama, Mistinis , Kertant Europą
Filmo trukmė
1val. 52min.
Rebeka – misionieriaus Lorenso duktė, paskelbta šventąja po to, kai vaikystėje vienintelė išgyveno lėktuvo sudužimą Amazonės džiunglėse. Kiek paaugusi ji tampa vietos įžymybe – tėvui padedant Rebeka gydo vietinius ir atlieka stebuklus. Tačiau jai tampant vis labiau savarankiškai, mergina ima abejoti savo vaidmeniu ir tėvo žodžiais. Tuo pat metu nelegalūs medkirčiai įsiveržia į autochtonų žemes, ir tarp grupių kyla rasinis konfliktas.
Rebecca is the daughter of missionary Lawrence, who was declared a saint after being the only survivor of a plane crash in the Amazon jungle as a child. As a teenager, she becomes a local celebrity - with her father's help, Rebecca heals locals and performs miracles. But as she becomes more independent, she begins to question her role and her father's words. At the same time, illegal loggers invade indigenous lands and racial conflict erupts between the groups.
Režisierė / Director: Pia Marais
Scenarijaus autorė / Screenplay: Willem Droste
Operatorius / Cinematography: Mathieu De Montgran
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Lim Giong
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Sophie Erbs
Vaidina / Cast: Helena Zengel, Jeremy Xido, Sabine Timoteo, Hamã Luciano
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Lokarno kino festivalis
Tarptautinis Toronto kino festivalis
Locarno International Film Festival
Toronto International Film Festival
Rebecca is the daughter of missionary Lawrence, who was declared a saint after being the only survivor of a plane crash in the Amazon jungle as a child. As a teenager, she becomes a local celebrity - with her father's help, Rebecca heals locals and performs miracles. But as she becomes more independent, she begins to question her role and her father's words. At the same time, illegal loggers invade indigenous lands and racial conflict erupts between the groups.
Režisierė / Director: Pia Marais
Scenarijaus autorė / Screenplay: Willem Droste
Operatorius / Cinematography: Mathieu De Montgran
Kompozitoriai / Composers: Lim Giong
Prodiuseriai / Producers: Sophie Erbs
Vaidina / Cast: Helena Zengel, Jeremy Xido, Sabine Timoteo, Hamã Luciano
Festivaliai / Festivals:
Tarptautinis Lokarno kino festivalis
Tarptautinis Toronto kino festivalis
Locarno International Film Festival
Toronto International Film Festival