KP13: Esu labai kaltas: tyla Dievo namuose

KP13: Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God




Filmo trukmė

1val. 45min.


PROGRAMA: Dokumentiniai filmai.

Iki šiol mažamečių tvirkinimą gaubia tyla: aukoms gėda apie tai kalbėti, liudininkai nedrįsta prabilti pirmieji, o institucijos prieš panašius kaltinimus tiesiog užsimerkia. Filmu „Esu labai kaltas: tyla Dievo namuose“ bandoma pralaužti tylos ledus susikoncentruojant į Katalikų bažnyčios sekso skandalus. Nepaisant pavienių antraščių, dar daug kas nesuvokia, kaip ilgus dešimtmečius šie nusikaltimai buvo maskuojami. Nors Bažnyčia žalai atlyginti jau sumokėjo du milijardus JAV dolerių, Amerikos teismai nuteisė tik vieną aukštesnes pareigas einantį Bažnyčios tarnautoją, kuris šiuos nusikaltimus slėpė. Kuo toliau, tuo daugiau šalių išsiaiškina dvasininkų tamsiąsias paslaptis. O kas už tai turi atsakyti? Režisieriaus tyrimas apima ne tik JAV, bet ir Airiją bei pačią Romą. Jis bando aiškintis, kokį nemalonų vaidmenį atliko popiežius Jonas Paulius II bei kokią poziciją užėmė kardinolas Jozephas Ratzingeris (dabartinis popiežius Benediktas XVI) – buvęs Vatikano seksualinio išnaudojimo bylų prižiūrėtojas.

Režisierius / Director: Alex Gibney

Scenarijaus autorius / Screenwriter: Alex Gibney

Pagrindiniai dalyviai / Principal Participants: Alex Gibney, Jamey Sheridan, Chris Cooper, Ethan Hawke, John Slattery

Operatorius / Cinematographer: Lisa Rinzler

Montažas / Editor: Sloane Klevin

Kompozitorius / Music: Robert Logan, Ivor Guest

Prodiuseris / Producer: Alex Gibney, Jedd Wider, Todd Wider, Alexandra Johnes, Kristen Vaurio, Sara Bernstein

Kalba / Language: anglų / English

Subtitrai / Subtitles: lietuvių / Lithuanian

Apie režisierių.

Alexas Gibney'us (gim. 1953 m. Niujorke, JAV)

„Enronas: gudriausi vyrukai“ (2005, dok. f.), „Taksi į tamsiąją pusę“ (2007, dok. f.), „Klientas Nr.9: Elioto Spitzerio iškilimas ir žlugimas“ (2010, dok. f.), „Paskutiniai gladiatoriai“ (2011, dok. f.), „Esu labai kaltas: tyla Dievo namuose“ (2012, dok. f., „Kino pavasaris“), „Parko aveniu: pinigai, galia ir amerikietiška svajonė“ (2012, dok. f.).


Sexual abuse of minors is a crime enabled by silence. Victims are ashamed. Witnesses are reluctant to come forward. Institutions fail to act. The cover-up can be so thick that it requires piercing determination to expose the truth. "Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God" breaks down these barriers in an investigation into the sex scandals in the Roman Catholic Church. Despite sporadic headlines, we still have enormous gaps in our knowledge about the concealment that took place over decades. Although the church has paid out over two billion dollars to settle claims, U.S. courts have convicted only one senior church official for his role in covering up these crimes. Increasingly, other countries are discovering their own dark secrets. Who should be held accountable?

Director Alex Gibney follows the five deaf men who led the first known public protest against clerical sex abuse in the United States. At St. John’s School for the Deaf in St. Francis, Wisconsin, Father Lawrence Murphy preyed upon more than 200 of his most vulnerable students beginning in the 1950s. His actions came to the attention of the Vatican in 1963 and he remained at the school until 1974, when he was transferred to another parish. He was never defrocked. In order to protect other children, the five deaf survivors of Murphy’s abuse were determined to make their voices heard. Finally, one of them launched a lawsuit against the pontiff himself, and the ensuing investigation uncovered documents linking the Vatican to a worldwide cover-up of abuse.

Gibney’s investigation leads from Wisconsin to Washington, D.C., Ireland, Rome and beyond. He delves into the unsavoury role that Pope John Paul II played in cover-ups, and examines the pivotal position occupied by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger – now Pope Benedict XVI – the former Vatican overseer of sex-abuse cases. Mea maxima culpa translates as "my most grievous fault" in the old Latin Catholic mass. Who has the courage to make that confession?



Filmo trukmė

1val. 45min.


PROGRAMA: Dokumentiniai filmai.

Iki šiol mažamečių tvirkinimą gaubia tyla: aukoms gėda apie tai kalbėti, liudininkai nedrįsta prabilti pirmieji, o institucijos prieš panašius kaltinimus tiesiog užsimerkia. Filmu „Esu labai kaltas: tyla Dievo namuose“ bandoma pralaužti tylos ledus susikoncentruojant į Katalikų bažnyčios sekso skandalus. Nepaisant pavienių antraščių, dar daug kas nesuvokia, kaip ilgus dešimtmečius šie nusikaltimai buvo maskuojami. Nors Bažnyčia žalai atlyginti jau sumokėjo du milijardus JAV dolerių, Amerikos teismai nuteisė tik vieną aukštesnes pareigas einantį Bažnyčios tarnautoją, kuris šiuos nusikaltimus slėpė. Kuo toliau, tuo daugiau šalių išsiaiškina dvasininkų tamsiąsias paslaptis. O kas už tai turi atsakyti? Režisieriaus tyrimas apima ne tik JAV, bet ir Airiją bei pačią Romą. Jis bando aiškintis, kokį nemalonų vaidmenį atliko popiežius Jonas Paulius II bei kokią poziciją užėmė kardinolas Jozephas Ratzingeris (dabartinis popiežius Benediktas XVI) – buvęs Vatikano seksualinio išnaudojimo bylų prižiūrėtojas.

Režisierius / Director: Alex Gibney

Scenarijaus autorius / Screenwriter: Alex Gibney

Pagrindiniai dalyviai / Principal Participants: Alex Gibney, Jamey Sheridan, Chris Cooper, Ethan Hawke, John Slattery

Operatorius / Cinematographer: Lisa Rinzler

Montažas / Editor: Sloane Klevin

Kompozitorius / Music: Robert Logan, Ivor Guest

Prodiuseris / Producer: Alex Gibney, Jedd Wider, Todd Wider, Alexandra Johnes, Kristen Vaurio, Sara Bernstein

Kalba / Language: anglų / English

Subtitrai / Subtitles: lietuvių / Lithuanian

Apie režisierių.

Alexas Gibney'us (gim. 1953 m. Niujorke, JAV)

„Enronas: gudriausi vyrukai“ (2005, dok. f.), „Taksi į tamsiąją pusę“ (2007, dok. f.), „Klientas Nr.9: Elioto Spitzerio iškilimas ir žlugimas“ (2010, dok. f.), „Paskutiniai gladiatoriai“ (2011, dok. f.), „Esu labai kaltas: tyla Dievo namuose“ (2012, dok. f., „Kino pavasaris“), „Parko aveniu: pinigai, galia ir amerikietiška svajonė“ (2012, dok. f.).


Sexual abuse of minors is a crime enabled by silence. Victims are ashamed. Witnesses are reluctant to come forward. Institutions fail to act. The cover-up can be so thick that it requires piercing determination to expose the truth. "Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God" breaks down these barriers in an investigation into the sex scandals in the Roman Catholic Church. Despite sporadic headlines, we still have enormous gaps in our knowledge about the concealment that took place over decades. Although the church has paid out over two billion dollars to settle claims, U.S. courts have convicted only one senior church official for his role in covering up these crimes. Increasingly, other countries are discovering their own dark secrets. Who should be held accountable?

Director Alex Gibney follows the five deaf men who led the first known public protest against clerical sex abuse in the United States. At St. John’s School for the Deaf in St. Francis, Wisconsin, Father Lawrence Murphy preyed upon more than 200 of his most vulnerable students beginning in the 1950s. His actions came to the attention of the Vatican in 1963 and he remained at the school until 1974, when he was transferred to another parish. He was never defrocked. In order to protect other children, the five deaf survivors of Murphy’s abuse were determined to make their voices heard. Finally, one of them launched a lawsuit against the pontiff himself, and the ensuing investigation uncovered documents linking the Vatican to a worldwide cover-up of abuse.

Gibney’s investigation leads from Wisconsin to Washington, D.C., Ireland, Rome and beyond. He delves into the unsavoury role that Pope John Paul II played in cover-ups, and examines the pivotal position occupied by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger – now Pope Benedict XVI – the former Vatican overseer of sex-abuse cases. Mea maxima culpa translates as "my most grievous fault" in the old Latin Catholic mass. Who has the courage to make that confession?