XML/JSON Services

  1. Areas XML

    Retrieves list of theatre areas.

  2. Languages XML

    Retrieves list of languages.

  3. Schedule Dates XML

    Retrieves available schedule dates in theatre area.

    GET Parameters:
    • area - Theatre Area ID (Optional, defaults to first in area list)

  4. Schedule XML

    Retrieves schedule for a date.

    GET Parameters:
    • area - Theatre Area ID (Optional, defaults to first in area list)
    • dt - Date (Optional, defaults to today. Format: dd.mm.yyyy)
    • eventID - Event ID (Optional, defaults to ALL events)
    • nrOfDays - (Optional, defaults to 1. Accepted value between 1 - 31 incl.)

    Theatre Area List:

  5. Events XML

    Retrieves a list of currently showing events.

    GET Parameters:
    • listType - Event List Type (Optional, defaults to NowInTheatres. Possible values: NowInTheatres|ComingSoon)
    • area - Theatre Area ID (Optional, defaults to ALL areas. When listType=ComingSoon, area has no effect.)
    • eventID - Event ID (Optional, defaults to ALL events. When specified, listType and area have no effect.)
    • includeVideos - Include videos in event details (Optional, true|false, defaults to true)
    • includeLinks - Include web links in event details (Optional, true|false, defaults to false)
    • includeGallery - Include gallery in event details (Optional, true|false, defaults to false)
    • includePictures - Include all picture resources (except gallery) in event details (Optional, true|false, defaults to false)

  6. News XML

    Retrieves list of news.

    GET Parameters:
    • area - Theatre Area ID (Optional, but recommended. Includes area specific news articles.)
    • categoryID - News Category ID (Optional)
    • eventID - Event ID (Optional. When specified categoryID has no effect.)

  7. News Categories XML

    Retrieves list of news categories.

    GET Parameters:
    • area - Theatre Area ID (Optional, but recommended. Includes area specific news articles.)